Portability: Portable and easily transportable in the trunk of a car or cab after disassembling in 4 steps.
Customization: Seating is offered in 16 × 16, 18 x 18, or 18 x 18 sizes, with up to 20-inch adjustable arms. The Armrest angle, controller side, controller height, and seat angle are all fully adjustable. To fit your style, pick from 6 different arm colors.
Maneuverability: The turning radius of 30″ enables more precise turns in small places.
High Performance: Range of 11.2 miles on a single charge, 300-pound weight limit, and top speed of 5 mph. With a strong motor and the front omni-wheels, you can climb over obstacles up to 2″ high. A smoother and more supportive ride is provided by the four-wheel suspension. Up to 10-degree incline drives are permitted.
Battery: Lithium-ion battery
Storage: Under-seat storage basket for convenience.